Importance of Grammar for Content Marketers
Grammar for Content Marketers is extremely important. If you’re trying to market your brand or sell a product, a grammatical mistake or typo can hold you back from success.
How do typos affect your messaging?
A few spelling and grammatical errors won’t necessarily prevent people from buying your product or enrolling in your services. But a writing mistake, even a forgotten letter, can contradict what you’re trying to prove to your customers.
We’re not saying a single typo is going to destroy your business. But if you’re a content marketer, advertiser, brand-specific blogger, social media specialist, or other kind of marketing professional, keeping your content crisp and clean can help you maintain your clients’ trust.
How to avoid grammatical mistakes?
Avoiding grammatical mistakes is key to ensuring that you make a good impression. Marketing essentially is about the impression you make on your customers. Therefore, Good Grammar for Content Marketers is pivotal.
Be aware of your habits and tics, and avoid them
We know: easier said than done. But if you know you have trouble with who’s vs. whose or affect vs. effect (for example), pay extra attention to those problems with a post-it, digital reminder, or remote control to give you an electric shock when you make that mistake. Er, maybe not that last one. But still, watch out for your tics.
Re-read what you wrote
Seriously. It sounds simple, but if you take a few minutes to go through your draft — without zoning out — you might be surprised at the little things you catch.
Get someone else to give it the once-over
It can be a colleague, friend, partner, cat — well, anyone who can read. Even if you read and re-read your own writing, there’s a reason for the phrase “fresh pair of eyes.” Use a proofreading tool. Grammarly, for example.
Hire a proofreader or an editor
If all else fails, put your money where your typos are.
Paying attention and enlisting others to pay attention for you — no matter whether they’re human or machine — can work wonders. And if you’re extra concerned, or if you aren’t quite sure what your own tics are, take a look at other common ones and internalize those, too.